Saturday, April 21, 2012


Donald A. Windsor

Here is a list of the 21 wildflowers that I saw blooming on Friday afternoon 20 April 2012 in the Town of Oxford.  I was walking in a kettle-kame area east of the Chenango River south of the Village.  The landowner did not want to be identified.  The habitat was mainly upland forest, but also included bushy and grassy areas, ponds, and the river.  

Blue Phlox (photo),  Spring Beauty,  Bloodroot,  Crowfoot,  Common Chickweed,  Toothwort,  Blue Cohosh,  Trout Lily,  White Trilium,  Squirel Corn,  Dutchmans Breeches,  Foamflower,  Wood Anemone,  Dwarf Ginseng,  Dandelion,  Gill-Over-The-Ground,  Common Blue Violet,  Round-leaved Yellow Violet,  Sweet White Violet,  Long Spur Violet,  Canada Violet.

The names are the ones used in the Peterson & McKenny Field Guide.

Birds seen included:  Wood Duck,  Common Merganser,  Turkey Vulture,  Red-bellied Woodpecker,  Yellow-bellied Sapsucker,  Downy Woodpecker,  Tree Swallow,  Song Sparrow,  Tufted Titmouse,  Red-winged blackbird,  Common Grackle. 
